Can You Believe It? We Are Only 5 Months Away From Christmas!

Remember how excited you were for 2020 to end?

This may seem wild – but 2021 is already 53% spent, too. 

The days are getting shorter.

Christmas is roughly 5 months away.

And Pumpkin Spice Lattes are just around the corner.

If you’re like most people, you may have started this year with some exciting goals. 

I know, I did.

2021 was definitely going to be different.

Maybe you thought you’d be different in some way, too.

Lose weight, switch jobs, heal from a breakup, learn a new language, start a podcast…

So — how did you do?

Did you eat more vegetables, get that summer bod, or land an amazing new job?

Whether you’re on track, are lagging behind, or are ready to make some new goals, take a moment to consider where you are today and where you want to be on January 1, 2022.

Get real with yourself.

What are goals that you really, really, really want to accomplish by Jan 1, 2022?

I am not talking about “would be nice goals,” but “I really, truly, deeply want this” AND will go the distance to get it.

Now that we are clear about the kind of goals we’re talking about, write them down.

Now rank them in the order of importance.



Now, take each of the goals through the following process:

1. It’s January 1st . . . you’re about to write goals for 2022, when you realize that you’re rewriting the same ones from last year. This goal never came to fruition. It was at the top of your priority list, and it still didn’t get done. How do you feel? Disappointed? Frustrated? Angry? Regretful? Where do you feel it in your body?

2. It’s January 1st . . . and you have achieved this goal. Visualize the experience of this achievement. How do you feel? Excited? Satisfied? Delighted? Where do you feel it in your body? Who’s happy about it? How did you celebrate?

Which do you prefer?

If you’re OK with #1, then you need to go back and do some more soul searching on whether you really care about this goal or whether there are blockages that prevent action.

On the other hand, if it’s a resounding #2, here’s the really important question:

What will it take to achieve it?

3. Reverse-engineer your goals. Visualize the final outcome of your goal in its simplest, most basic form. Let’s say, you want to write a book. That’s the goal. Visualize the accomplished goal. Be as specific as you can. Now, go in the reverse with each step that led to its accomplishment. Break it down into as many actionable steps as possible, and sequence them in a reasonable timeline. For example, if you’re writing a book, you’d account for elements such as publishing, editing, research, and writing, maybe marketing and publicity, too. You’d further break it down into sections, then each section into chapters, and then each chapter into key arguments, substantiation, and data points. And so on. And then you’d plug each of the action items into a timeline that is achievable and assign a deadline to each item. 

4. Commit fully and set up an accountability system. Share your goals with others, get an accountability buddy, or hire a coach. Set a reward/punishment system for each accomplished item. One of my clients was struggling with a particular goal and had so many excuses of why she was failing, so we set up a system: each time she didn’t accomplish an item on her “goal map”, she’d send me $200. Each time she’d accomplish, she’d reward herself with a nice dinner. I didn’t get any money, but she accomplished her goal!

5. Make it easy to work on your goal. Remove distractions and barriers, disruptions and short-term gains (i.e. social media, Netflix, and more). Attach working on your goal to the things you’re already doing—and enjoy. Legendary author Maya Angelou would lock herself in a hotel room until she produced the writing she was satisfied with.

6. Stare at it. Yes, if you want to build new habits or accomplish goals, don’t tuck them away. Have them face you all the time, daily. For example, if you want to get in shape by running, put your running shoes out where you can see them.

Lastly, life will throw you off. Shit will happen. It always does. If you fall off the horse, don’t play the blame game, just get right back to it and see if you can make up for the lost time. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Return to #1 and #2 as many times as you need in order to remind yourself what’s at stake and keep your motivation going!

There are so many factors that go into accomplishing goals, working through procrastination (i.e. emotional regulation and fear), and more. And, of course, there are those goals that depend on external factors. However, if you follow these steps, I am confident you will be celebrating on January 1!

Make the rest of 2021 count! 


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