6 Ways to Get Ahead in Life

What does it take to live a life you life?


But self-improvement isn’t an inspirational quote you saw on social media. It requires more than that. A lot more than that.

And here is how you improve yourself and get ahead: 

1) Believe you are worthy of it … whatever “it” is.

Most of us have some limiting beliefs, whether conscious or subconscious, and until we can shine light on them and begin to believe — truly believe — that we are worthy of a particular outcome, we won’t ever fully reach it.

2) Stop doing the same thing expecting a different result.

This is a definition of insanity. To bring out another cliché, nothing changes if nothing changes. Many of us dream of affecting change, often not realizing that change outside of ourselves requires actual change within — our beliefs, thoughts, habits, actions.

Think about it. How many times have you through, “I should really get better at . . . “ yet, you miraculously stuck to your our old ways.

3) Let go of blame.

For most humans, blame is our favorite pastime. We constantly look for fault within ourselves or others for things not turning out our way or happening in the manner we didn’t predict. But the longer we blame, the further we distance from actually achieving our dreams.

The biggest kicker: blaming gives us a reason, and our “thinking brain” loves reasons, so perversely, blaming feels good. Yet, it utterly sabotages our happiness and progress. 

4) Start transforming your mindset. 

Whether you think something is possible or whether you think it’s not, you’re right. This is a matter of your mindset. Unless you change the way you think and perceive situations and experiences, you won’t get to where you want to go.

Ask yourself, “Is this belief, this perception, this thought pattern, this thing I am focusing on — really helpful to me? Is it actually true (or am I just attached to it, so I choose to believe it)?” 

Tip: if a thought pattern is causing you anguish, anger, etc., it is likely not helpful or true, and it requires revision. 

5) Master your habits.

What you do every day determines your life. It’s that simple.

If you haven't already, download my new (and free) e-book: 18 Habits That Will Change Your Life 

6) Get clarity.

Make sure you fully understand who you are, what is important you, and what matters to you. Then create an authentic vision that is so compelling that not chasing it is simply not an option.

Lots of people think they know who they are and what they want. Their programming, past experiences, limiting beliefs, social norms, comparisons, etc. blur their vision, and they get led astray.

Take the time to figure out who you are. 

Being truly true to yourself is key. 

Finally, have fun. 

Life is a daring adventure with so many twists and turns, and most of it not in our control. Do what you can with what you have and where you are.

The rest — well, it’ll make for a good story whatever the outcome. 


Maybe. Only Maybe.


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